KEVIN JIN (金一) Personal Blog

Exploring a World of Knowledge and Experiences in China


个人简介:Kevin Jin ( 金一 )。本人1991年出生于法国南部港口城市马赛市 ( Marseille ) 从小在法国长大,就读于马赛市普罗旺斯中学 ( École de Provence ), 高中毕业后去英国留学,就读于英国伦敦政治经济学院 ( The London School of Economics and Political Science )。毕业后从事金融业7年,先后在英国伦敦,澳大利亚悉尼和香港等地的国际大型投资公司工作,期间累积了在投资和风控等方面的宝贵经验。自 2022 年,来到无锡,现任 克维(无锡)有限公司,董事总经理, 公司在无锡国家高新技术 产业开发区。父亲是浙江温州人,母亲是江苏无锡人,他们是在80年代旅居法国的华人。我的外公是无锡人,外婆是温州人,他们还是50年代浙江大学的同班同学,我可以说是半个无锡人。

Kevin Jin was born in Marseille, a port city in Southern France, in 1991. He grew up in France and attended the École de Provence in Marseille. He went on to study at the London School of Economics (LSE), earning a degree in Business Mathematics and Statistics in 2014. After graduation, he pursued a career in the financial industry for 7 years, working at various leading international investment companies in London, England, Sydney, Australia, and Hong Kong. During this period, he accumulated valuable experience in investment and risk control. Since 2022, he came to Wuxi and is currently the managing director of Kewei (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. The company is located in Wuxi National High-tech Industrial Development Zone. His father is from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and his mother is from Wuxi, Jiangsu. They are Chinese who lived in France in the 1980s. His grandparents were classmates at Zhejiang University in the 1950s. He considers himself lucky to be half Wuxinese!

“Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry